Barrow Haven Railway Station
Tensar were approached by the project team to offer a reinforced soil wall option for a Network Rail station platform, as an alternative to reinforced concrete.
- Speed and ease of installation with TensarTech TW3 system
- Tensar’s Construction toolbox talk delivered to train the contractor’s installation team
- Flexible construction enabled posessions between the rail network
Railway station upgrade involved demolition of the existing platform and re-construction extending beyond the existing footprint to accommodate accessibility ramp. An adjacent live Network Rail line needed to be operational throughout the works which meant that limited access was available. The interface between historic RC wall foundations and extended platform footprint raised concern of potential differential settlement whilst restricted by excavation works in proximity to track. Only minor ground improvement works were required to support the inherently flexible reinforced soil wall system within serviceable requirements.
Tensar, who are verified by the Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) were appointed by the consultant designer for specialist design of TensarTech TW3 wall system. The contractor also received a Construction toolbox talk from a Tensar engineer at the beginning of the works, to allow self-installation of the wall system.