Tensar® Basetex® Geotextile
- High-strength polyester geotextile for soil stabilisation and reinforcement applications
- Available in quality control strengths up to 1000kn/m
- Durable and suitable for design life of up to 120 years
- Proven for use in embankment foundations & sloping soil reinforcement
- used in multiple projects across the globe.
Where embankments must be constructed over soft soils there may be a requirement for high-strength geotextile soil reinforcement. Tensar’s Basetex range of high-strength geotextiles is designed to offer the strength necessary to provide stability for years to come.
Manufactured using a weft-insertion process, the Basetex geotextile soil reinforcement range possesses quality-control strength up to 1000kN/m (longitudinal direction) and 50kN/m or 100kN/m (transverse direction). The load-bearing yarns are 100% high-tenacity polyester and provide excellent creep performance and high tensile modulus.